Three Reasons You Should Consider a Temp Job


The global pandemic wreaked havoc on our daily lives in so many ways.  Besides putting our personal health at great risk, it also jeopardized our financial health, too.  As cases rose and shelter-in-place orders expanded well beyond the initial three-week estimation, many companies and businesses were forced to scale back their operations and reduce their employee numbers.  Soon, record numbers of unemployed professionals were engaged in a highly competitive job search in an extremely limited job market.

More than a year later, shelter-in-place orders are being lifted, formerly closed businesses are reopening, many companies are welcoming their employees back to the office for in-person work, and new job opportunities are on the rise.  Yet, there are many industries that are still affected by high unemployment rates due to the pandemic’s continued uncertainties.  This is highly problematic for job seekers looking for permanent positions in these affected industries.  However, there may be a solution that these job seekers are overlooking or dismissing outright: temporary jobs.  

If you’re a currently unemployed professional who has experienced difficulty securing a permanent position in your industry, you may benefit greatly from pursuing a temporary position.  Here are three reasons why choosing a temporary or temp-to-hire job may be the right choice for you: 

1. Learn New Skills

Accepting temporary positions gives you the opportunity to learn new skills.  In a way, you could consider it a form of paid training.  Even if these jobs do not lead to a permanent position, you have acquired new skill sets and gained experience in a variety of industries that you can use as the foundation for future employment opportunities and maybe even a career change. 

2. Build Your Network

As valuable as learning new skills and gaining experience are to your future employment opportunities, the connections you make are equally important.  Temporary jobs connect you with more professionals across a variety of industries.  If you make a good impression with your coworkers, they’ll be inclined to accept an invitation to be part of your professional network.  In doing so, they’ll become advocates who are eager to sing your praises to all hiring managers who will listen.  Who knows?  One of your former coworkers might recommend you to their current manager - or they may be the new hiring manager at a company looking to fill a permanent position.  

3. Add Variety to Your Professional Life

Multiple years at one job can make many professionals feel like they’re stuck in a rut.  Or you may experience burnout after performing the same tasks for several years in a row.  Temporary positions may be just the thing for you.  Some temporary positions may require you to use your existing skills on new projects, while other positions can introduce you to new and exciting professional opportunities.  There is often greater variety with temporary work and that may be the perfect solution for your current situation. 

If you’ve ever asked, “Are temp jobs bad?” we’re here to assure you that they are not.  Don’t let the word “temporary” scare you.  Although these positions may not be permanent, temporary jobs can provide you with multiple benefits that you can use to sharpen your skills, expand your professional network and add variety to your professional life.  If you’re interested in pursuing Temporary, Temp-to-Hire or Direct Hire positions, let the experts at Elite Personnel help you find the best opportunities!  Contact us today to learn more about temporary positions in DC, Maryland, and Virginia.