Four Ways to Ensure Diversity in Your Job Candidate Pool

In the past ten years, employers have made increasing efforts to improve diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.  While many companies focused on implementing new policies internally to benefit their existing staff, there is now increased interest in supporting diversity in the hiring process. 

If your organization is trying to determine the best course of action to increase diversity in its hiring practices, we’ve compiled a list of four highly effective ways to connect with viable candidates.

1. Update the Language in Your Job Listing

The first step toward supporting DEI in the recruiting and hiring process is to start with the job posting and the job description.  As detailed in our previous article “Top Tips for Writing Inclusive Job Descriptions,” diverse candidates want to know more than just the position’s requirements.  They want the job posting to demonstrate the company’s commitment to DEI.  This can be done by crafting job descriptions that avoid language bias. 

When job descriptions are written in language that’s more inclusive, it shows candidates that a company values diversity.  Simple adjustments can make a big difference. For example:

  • Use gender-neutral pronouns (‘they’)

  • Avoid jargon

  • Replace words associated with masculinity (‘strong’) with more general phrases (‘dedicated’)

Inclusive language helps companies appeal to all candidates regardless of gender, race, background or disability.  

2. Reconsider Your Referral Program

Asking current employees to leverage their professional network to recruit new employees has been a standard at many companies.  It’s often viewed as a cost-effective solution to filling vacancies or new positions.  Yet, referral programs may also have a tendency toward bias.  This happens when employees refer candidates who are of the same race, gender, age or background. 

To avoid any unintentional bias, companies need to modify their referral programs.  Ensure that the program is open to all employees and not limited to management or only certain departments.  This is a great way to create a more comprehensive referral pool.  You can also improve DE&I by setting limits on the number of candidates an individual employee can refer annually or inviting clients and vendors to participate in the program as well.

3. Source Applications Online

Many companies traditionally rely on candidates to come to them.  While this was the standard for years, companies may be waiting a long time to hear from more diverse candidates.  Instead of sticking with this method, organizations should connect with new candidates by sourcing applicants online.  Actively taking steps to identify potential candidates and contact them directly demonstrates a company’s commitment to casting a wider net and pursuing a more inclusive panel of prospective employees.

4. Rely on a Staffing and Recruiting Agency

While the previous methods can help improve diversity, equity and inclusion in the hiring process, each one requires a great deal of time and energy for HR and hiring managers.  It may be efficient and effective for companies to rely on the expertise of a professional staffing agency in additional to ensuring their hiring processes are up to snuff. 

Elite Personnel can help your company’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts by attracting and recruiting highly qualified candidates of every age, race, gender and origin.  Our team is well versed in drafting inclusive job postings, screening applicants for their skills and position fit, and recommending the best candidates across a wide range of backgrounds. 

Contact our recruiting experts today to help improve diversity, equity and inclusion in your organization!