Three Ways to Attract More Applicants

multiple job applications on hiring managers desk

In a typical job market, finding qualified applicants is difficult – in this job market, it seems quite impossible!  This is bound to happen when the employment market has undergone radical transformation such as what happened during the pandemic.   

While some parts of this current situation are only temporary, we do have a structural issue in the employment market so it’s time to start thinking about new ways to bring more qualified applicants to your door.  These methods aren’t just necessary to tackle this current challenge but will also be vital in the years ahead. 

Hiring managers who want to know how to attract more job applicants will be happy to know that we have three ideas that can help!

1. Create Transparent Job Listings

One of the biggest complaints voiced by current job seekers is that the job listings are too generic.  Much like many job applicants create cookie-cutter cover letters, companies are guilty of the same practice when it comes to their job descriptions.  Candidates may quickly dismiss job listings after the opening sentences when the description is too generic or vague.  If a company isn’t upfront with the requirements of the role, then why would a candidate consider working for that organization? 

Now is a great time to give your job descriptions a refresh!  

  • Keep it conversational - Grab candidates’ attention with conversational descriptions that compel them to keep reading instead of relying on industry lingo without specific detail.

  • Create value - To connect with potential candidates, let them know why this role is vital to helping solve the organization’s pain points, increase efficiency, improve productivity and achieve specific goals.

  • Explain the day-to-day – Share more about the role’s day-to-day responsibilities and provide details about the specific professional skills that are necessary to succeed.

  • Include a call to action - Much like your company’s marketing needs to convince a potential customer to choose you over a competitor, your job listing should persuade candidates to take action. Prompt them to make the move from job seeker to applicant.

This approach demonstrates that the company not only values its employees but also values its potential employees too.  When job seekers notice a company that is taking a greater initiative to reach them, they’ll make the extra effort to apply for the available position. 

2. Provide Salary and Benefit Information 

Previously, not including specific salary or benefits information in a job listing wasn’t a deal-breaker for applicants.  That’s not the case in the current job market.  Many candidates see this lack of transparency as a red flag.  When that happens, they often move to the next available job listing. 

As much as it may pain many organizations, it’s time to be upfront with a position’s salary range and benefits package.  This method may seem uncomfortable at first, but it has many upsides in the current market.  It demonstrates honesty and transparency which goes a long way with most candidates, especially with the new crop of Generation Z talent that is entering the market.  

Second, it helps candidates realistically evaluate the job to make sure it’s the right fit for their current lifestyle and goals.  Yes, some salary-motivated job seekers may choose not to apply; however, this will reduce the likelihood that they will walk away during the hiring process before, or even after, an offer is made.  Transparency upfront will save your hiring team time and money in the long run. 

3. Offer a Signing Bonus

Recently, many companies have experienced success using signing bonuses to lure worthwhile candidates.  The most surprising part of this practice is that many bonuses are not monetary.  Current candidates, especially those in Generation Z, are taking greater notice of companies that offer bonuses such as free gym memberships and extra PTO as part of their hiring process.  Making a donation to the charity of a new hire’s choice is one of the most effective signing bonuses being offered by pro-active companies.  Assemble your hiring team and get creative with your hiring bonus ideas! 

Now that you’re equipped with new ways to increase job applicants, it’s time to put the hiring process in motion! Recruiting experts like those at Elite Personnel can help your hiring team make meaningful connections with qualified candidates and select the right new employee for your organization. If you’re eager to blaze new paths in this current job market, contact us today. We’re ready to help you succeed!